FAQ - Help
- Why must we fly early in the morning?
- What happens if weather is not good and we cannot fly?
- Is there an age restriction for balloon flying?
- How long is the flight?
- Is a balloon flight very long?
- How many passengers are there in the balloon?
- Is there any age or weight restriction?
- What if I am pregnant?
- What happens if I have a previous medical condition?
- Is hot air ballooning safe?
- Can I bring a camera?
- Is it very cold during the flight?
- What should I wear?
- What about insurance?
- How do we pay the flight ticket?
- How big is a hot air balloon?
- What is landing like?
- Will the balloon fly over my house/city?
1. Why must we fly early in the morning?
In general terms, during the closest hours after dawn, the wind is clamed and the atmosphere is colder and more stable.
Weather conditions start to be dangerous to fly when it gets hotter.
2. What happens if weather is not good and we cannot fly?
Weather conditions are fundamental for our activity, therefore we will closely follow weather forecast and will be in contact with our passengers some days before the flight in order to determine whether it is possible to fly or not.
In case flight has to be cancelled, we will agree with our passengers another flight date.
It can also happen that, even with an adequate weather forecast, current condition in the morning is not good enough for secure flying. In this case the pilot can decide to cancel the flight and it will be postponed.
In any case this would have any cost for the passenger.
3. Is there an age restriction for balloon flying?
Law does not establish any requirement on this regard. Children must be aged 7 or over and be more than 1,35m tall as this is the basket height. We have no maximum age restrictions, as this is a very peaceful and secure activity.
The only restrictions are: not to be pregnant, not having a previous medical condition or having recently undergone major surgery.
4. How long is the flight?
Regularly, our flights are 1 hour or 1 hour 15 minutes long, depending on the weather conditions and the landing spots we can find. Complete activity takes around 4 hours.
5. Is a balloon flight very long?
Hot air balloons cannot be lead as other aircrafts and fully depend on the wind and the pilot's expertise to control height and heating air in the envelope. We depend on the wind speed, therefore, some flights can be short and some other can cover several kilometers. We also need to find a secure landing spot.
6. How many passengers are there in the balloon?
Our balloons have large baskets so we can carry 8 people at a time. The basket is split into compartments so passengers can have their own space and fly comfortably.
7. Is there any age or weight restriction?
Children must be aged 7 or over and more than 1,35m tall. A responsible adult must accompany children under 16.
Regarding weight, we have no restrictions but, in case you doubt, please, let us know in order to check.
8. What if I am pregnant?
Unfortunately and due to security reasons, we are not allowed to fly pregnant women.
9. What happens if I have a previous medical condition?
All passengers must be sure that they do not have a previous medical condition that might affect own and other safety. Please, let us know for guidance. Flying is not allowed to those that have recently undergone major surgery.
10. Is hot air ballooning safe?
Yes, balloon flying is extremely safe activity, which is highly regulated with strict safety guidelines by Civil Aviation Authority. Our pilots hold full commercial pilot's licenses, medical examinations and authorization into effect. All our equipment is in perfect shape and has been strictly inspected.
11. Can I bring a camera?
Of course you can bring your own camera and also your binoculars. The balloon is a great platform for photography and filming. Nevertheless, cameras are carried at your own risk and you must put them back in their case whenever the pilot tells you to.
12. Is it very cold during the flight?
Temperature on the ground and up in the air is usually the same or slightly different, moreover taking into account that we would reach around 300-500m from the ground.
The most important thing is to wear confortable and warm clothing and shoes.
13. What should I wear?
We recommend clothes suitable for a walk in the country depending on the time of the year and the specific day of flight. Temperature in the balloon is very close to that on the surface so, usually, it is no necessary to wear extra clothes.
In summertime we recommend to wear sunglasses and to put sunblock lotion.
Tight clothes, skirts, high heels, sandals or flip-flops are not allowed.
14. What about insurance?
Aerial Navigation Law obliges all companies to have an insurance policy to cover in the event of damage all passengers and third parties.
15. How do we pay the flight ticket?
Payment can be done cash the day of the flight (you will receive a receipt) or by bank transfer. We do not admit debit/credit cards.
16. How big is a hot air balloon?
There are many sizes but the balloon we use is around 25m tall, has a basket for 8 passengers and the pilot and has a capacity of 5100 m3 of hot air.
17. What is landing like?
Flying a balloon is a serene experience while in the air, but it is and adventure activity in the great outdoors and sometimes on landing the basket can tip and/or drag along before coming to stop. This is how balloons have been landing for the last 200 years so it is absolutely normal. During landing the pilot will make all indications about position and direction. The landing is an exciting part of the flight and in many cases people say it is their favorite part of the flight.
18. Will the balloon fly over my house/city?
We would love to be able to assure it but hot air balloons cannot be steered and depend on he wind direction. If we take off from a launch site close to your home or city and the winds are favorable, it is possible that we see your home but to avoid disappointment, please, do not expect it.